General InformationSchool Hours
Our school hours are 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Students may arrive at school from 8:30am and be picked up at 3:00pm. Term Dates for 2023 Term 1 - 7th Feb - 6th April Term 2 - 24th April - 30th June Term 3 - 17th July - 22nd September Term 4 - 9th October - 20th December Other Dates ANZAC DAY - Tuesday 25th April Kings's Birthday - Monday 5th June Matariki - Friday 14th July Labour Day - Monday 23rd October Homework Club Our homework club runs Monday to Friday 3pm to 5pm. Enrolment must be completed for students to attend and there is a fee to whānau. Absence Notification Please notify the office or whanau teacher of any absences from school. The best way to do this is through HERO, however you can also call the office. If your child is absent for more than 5 days due to illness the school may require a Doctor's Certificate. Bicycles/Scooters/Skateboards We encourage students to bring their bikes/scooters/skateboards to school for use at morning tea and lunch time. Each student is required to bring and wear their own helmet. Assemblies Watch this space. Calf Club Calf club is a big part of our school year and is usually held late Term 3. E-Learning We embrace e-learning and the use of computers and tablets is fully integrated into our senior daily learning programmes. Puriri School Curriculum Please inquire at the office for your copy of our school curriculum. Puriri School Charter The charter is for everyone and reflects the vision of our community. School Donations We appreciate any donation you are able to give but do not request them. Stationery Packs are available for purchase at the beginning of each school year from the office. Along with this pack a $10 photocopying fee per child is charged. Treaty of Waitangi Puriri School respects the Treaty and works hard to provide a learning environment that is inclusive of all cultures. |
General InformationSchool Uniform
We have a school uniform that is optional. School Expectations The school follows a Values Programme. Our school values stem from the word TRUE in our motto, the Puriri School Values are Trust, Respect, Understanding and Equity. Our Behaviour Management Plan reflects this. Education Outside the Classroom Education outside the classroom occurs every day. We have many out of school trips to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. First Aid First aid is administered to all minor injuries when needed. In the event of a serious injury, parents or emergency contacts will be contacted and emergency procedures followed. Should your child suffer from any health problems please make sure you complete this section on the enrolment form so that we can make sure the proper precautions are taken to ensure the safety of your child. Reporting to Parents Parent, teacher and student conferences (Whanaungatanga hui) occur at the end of Terms 1 and 3. Formal written reports from PaCT go home to families at the end of Terms 2 and 4. Dialogue between staff and families with regard to concerns is valued and always welcomed. River School /Te Kura o Awa Our students participate in environmental play based learning that connects them to our school pepeha. Students visit the Puriri Stream for this learning during the school week. Sunsmart Our school is a sunsmart school. We provide shaded areas for students to play and eat. All students must wear a hat during term 1 and 4 to play at morning tea and lunch time, while taking part in sport and fitness, and while waiting to be picked up after school. We provide sunscreen and ensure students correctly apply it. If your child is not able to use the school sunblock please send them to school with their own. Swimming Swimming and aquatic safety is a big part of our Term 1 and 4 programmes. At Puriri School we understand that kids that grow up on the Coromandel need to be water safe as boating, fishing, surfing, swimming and exploring creeks around our beautiful province is a part of every-day life here. |
General InformationParent Helpers
Because we are Whanau Rooms we love to have parent helpers joining in! Any time you can give or skills you may have to share are always welcomed. Library We are updating our library space this year, Students can borrow two books at a time each week. Please make sure your child returns their books each Monday morning into the library returns box in their Whanau Room. Lost Property Lost property is placed into the lost property box outside Whanau Tahi. Please ensure all items are named for their safe return. Newsletters Check out the latest news on our Positively Puriri facebook page. Regular newsletters go home to whanau as events come up. Year 7/8 Technology Year 7 & 8 students go to technology at Thames High School on a Friday along with Te Puru and Tapu Schools. Pre-Enrolment visits for New Entrants Four year olds are welcomed to visit and join in to help prepare them for school. Our transition to kura students attend at least once a week for the term leading up to their fifth birthday. How do our Whanau Rooms work? This environment is hugely supportive of all tamariki. We maintain smaller class sizes that promote a Tuakana/Teina learning programme. All students regardless of age work at their own pace with the support of kaiako/teachers and ākonga/students both older and younger so that they can reach their full potential. It is an amazing nurturing space that reflects a Te Aō Māori approach to learning by regarding our tamariki as taonga/gifts at the centre of their learning. School Policies Our school uses schooldocs to ensure our policies are up to date and reflect current legislation.
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